
Showing posts from January, 2021

Proxy/Reverse Proxy/Load Balancing

Proxy  A proxy server acts as a gateway between you and the internet. It’s an intermediary server abstracting end users from the websites/IP's they browse. Proxy servers provide security and privacy depending on your use case, needs, or company policy. e.g. When you browse a social media site your company may not allow access. When you browse a website accessible to employees of a particular region you may be denied access depending on IP. Reverse Proxy You can think of the reverse proxy as a website’s “public face.” Its address is the one advertised for the website, and it sits at the edge of the site’s network to accept requests from web browsers and mobile apps for the content hosted at the website.  The benefits are as below:- Security – Backend servers are not exposed to the client, you can think of the reverse proxy as a website’s “public face.” Its address is the one advertised for the website, and it sits at the edge of the site’s network to accept requests from web...